My lovely followers

Thursday 27 June 2024

Nowhere to go but up, 4

 Hello again, I am back with another Andy Skinner design

I made another Ivory DL card with red mat

I used watercolour card for my background using my Lavinia Dinkles, Paynes grey and Chili jam

Blue, brown, red and yellow Koh-I-Noor Mondeluez watercolour pencils 

Andy Skinner stamp Nowhere to go but up

Glossy accents

Thank you for calling

Elaine xx

This has been entered into the following challenges

Pennys challenge-ATG 03/07 2/3 entries

classic design-ATG 

creatalicious-ATG 15/07 2/3 entries

through the purple haze 216 -ATG15/07 2/3 entries

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Thank you for your comments. I really do appreciate them and they make my love of crafting much more worthwhile.
Hugz Elaine xx


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